DCB21 SUTRA 352-378
DCB21 What is a Sutra 352 - 378 032523
DCB21 326-351 03/18/23
DCB 21 Para Me Ta 296-325 03/11/23
DCB21 Prajna 221-295 03/04/23
DCB 21 221-245 02/18/23 (Lesson 4&5 LFB)
DCB21 199-220 02/11/23
DCB21 199-220 02/11/23 VIDEO
DCB 21 182-198 02/04/23 VIDEO
DCB 21 182-198 02/04/23
DCB 21 157 - 213 01/21/23
DCB21 157-228
DCB21 118-156
DCB 21 140-154 12/17/22
DCB 21 82-117 LESSON 2 12/21/22
DCB 21 54-? 12/10/22
DCB21 ?s 1-53
DCB 21 28-53 12/03/22
DCB21 ?s1-53
April 1, 2023 & March 25, 2023: Lesson 7-Master Xuanzang (379-405) and HERE for recording of that class. Lesson 6D -Sutra(352-378) and HERE for recording of that class.
March 18, 2023: Lessons 6B-Ta (328-343) -Part II & 6C-Heart (344-351)and HERE for recording of that class.
March 11, 2023: for article on Lessons 6A-Parami (296-310) and 6B-Ta (311-327) -Part I and HERE for recording of that Class.
March 04, 2023: for article on Lesson 5C (281-295) and HERE for recording of that class.
February 25, 2023: for article on Lesson 5B (254-280) and HERE for recording of that class.
February 18, 2023: for article on Lesson 4E (221-228) and HERE for recording of that class and on Lesson 5A (229-253) and HERE for recording of that class. Lesson 5-Three Types of Prajna-II (229-295)
February 11, 2023: for article on Lesson 4D (199-220) and HERE for recording of that class.
February 04, 2023: for article on Lesson 4C (182-198) and HERE for recording of that class.
January 28, 2023: for article on Lesson 4B (165-181) and HERE for recording of that class.
January 21, 2023: for article on Lesson 4A (157-167) and HERE for recording of that class. Lesson 4-Three Types of Prajna-I (157-228)
January 14, 2023: for article on Lesson 3B (140-156) and HERE for recording of that class.x
January 07, 2023: for article on Lesson 3A (118-139) and HERE for recording of that class. Lesson 3-Prajna (118-156)
December 17, 2022: for article on Lesson 2 (82-117) and HERE for the recording of that class.
December 10, 2022: for article on Lesson 1 (54-81) and HERE for the video recording of that class.
December 03, 2022: for article on Lesson 0B (28-53) and HERE for the video recording of that class.
November 26, 2022: for article on 0A (1-27) and HERE for the video recording of that class. Lesson 0-Introductions/Forwards (1-53)
November 21, 2022: for earlier article introducing Lesson 0A.
CLICK for links to articles and recordings of classes held on course DCB26-How to Realize Prajna.