Just Sitting Zazen

                        只坐着  (Zhǐ zuòzhe)

       Sit with peace and quiet! Learn the wisdom of turning inward, toward the original self and practicing the four unlimited states of mind.

 Join 法臧 仁波切 Fa Zang Rinpoche at:

       Fa Chan Temple

     10:00AM on Saturdays

For beginning and advanced meditators.

     Beginning on Saturday July 6th 2024

With so many distractions today, such as computers, cell phones, social media, automobiles, crime, war and so much more, we've  become a world of deepening needs, desires, attachments, and habitual patterns.  

Many people claim stress, illness, frustrations, anger, hatred and greed seem to be increasing in the lives of all.

  The Buddhas have been teaching us how to end our sufferings for eons. 

But first we must recognize what suffering is. Suffering is part of all of our lives, both on subtle levels and gross levels, both easy and not easy to observe or recognize. 

We create our own suffering and also create suffering for others.One way to realize what causes and effects are creating our personal sufferings is to learn how to observe the circumstance's under which they arise. 

Then we can begin the journey on the path to the cessation of suffering.

Sit in conscious awareness

Just sitting, without distractions, without being moved by the outside world or inner thoughts may show us a way to peace, settling the mind down,bringing inner awareness, and realizing 


   To sit with the support of others in peace and in a quiet environment, expanding inner wisdom, gaining more inner peace and compassion for self and others,

Join Fa Zang Rinpoche at:

 Fa Chan Temple

  10161 Choiceana Ave.

 Hesperia CA 92345



10:00AM on Saturdays (Please arrive early).

11:00 Listening to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddhas III discourses.

12:00 noon on the last Saturday every month Oryoki lunch. 

BEGINNING: July 6th 2024

A Buddhist, none sectarian group which welcomes all, from all walks of life.

         "Come as who you really are & leave the rest  behind!"

 Fa Zang Rinpoche

   You are invited to the Fa Chan Temple to learn and practice the way of Oryoki.

   (Eating Just Enough)

 July 27th 2024 

             10:00 to 11:00 am. Zazen Meditation. 

11:00am to 12:00 noon.

 Listening to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III preliminary translations. 

       12:00 noon to 1:00 pm. Oryoki Lunch.

        Suggested donation of $10.00.

       Fa Chan Temple

10161 Choiceana Ave.

Hesperia CA 92345

Two Volunteers are needed.

One for the Kitchen and one to serve food. 

If you wish to volunteer and learn these aspects of Oryoki service please let us know when you reserve your seat at fazanglama@gmail.com

Also please inform the kitchen about food allergies during your registration or any handicap issues and you will be accommodated if possible.

Best Wishes

 Fa Zang Lama

On June 17th 2024 at Fa Chan Temple, 

Fa Zang Lama held the first Oryoki lunch at the newly installed Zendo for Zen meditation. 

   Zhengda Zhou Zun, and Miu Kuan Si who are the highest leader and the Abbess of the Charity Temple called Benevolence Temple in Las Vegas (respectfuly) plus several disciples of  H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III from Hong Kong learned and practiced Oryoki over lunch together.

 All who attended were happy to see the altar dedicated to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and showed there respect to our Buddha Master. The altar and zendo were blessed and permission to continue to invite both local people and people  from afar was granted

Beginning on 07/06/2024 every Saturday at 10:00 am Zen meditation will begin. Please arrive early.

11:00am to 12:oo noon  Listening to preliminary discourses by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.

On the last Saturday of every month there will be Oryoki lunch at 12:00 noon.

 The intentions now are to continue improving the Zendo and building a community, sharing the preliminary translated  discourses by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III,  Zen meditation, the practice of Oryoki and retreat options may be available in the future.

I pray to repay the kindness of  H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and to all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas for providing us with the Dharma and Sangha, as well as their compassion, kindness and generosity.

May we all realize the Buddha way!

A humble student & disciple, Fa Zang 

Location:   Fa Chan Temple

                  10161 Choiceana Ave. 

                  Hesperia CA 92345


(442)-368-2071 Cell                                                (415)-992-6622 Temple         3kayasnow@gmail.com                                                         

Spirits are appearing in the Zendo!

Spirits in the house. - Made with Clipchamp.mp4